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How do I show the Profit and Loss Account for Dormant accounts?

The Profit and Loss statement may not show when preparing a dormant set of accounts in Accounts Advanced.

It may be presented with a Statement of Comprehensive Income as per below:


1. To show the Profit and Loss Account, select the option for Two statements within the Wizard.

2. Beneath the Company Size tab within the Start section of the wizard, you will need to untick the option to prepare dormant accounts; see below:



3. This will then allow the option to be changed for the statement type to Two-statements under the disclosure format tab within the Accounts Format section of the Wizard.


4. Then select dormant accounts from the accounts format section.

The option will then be given in the accounts to show the Profit and Loss table at the top of the statement; see below:

5. Once the tickbox is clicked, the Profit and Loss Account will then show.

  • Related template: FRS101/102/105 LLP
  • Software platform: Working Papers 2018, Working Papers 2019, Working Papers 2020, Working Papers 2021, Working Papers 2022